Creativity will Change the World

Every day the world continues to amaze me with all of the creativity a person can have and how that creativity can spark so many other positive movements and changes. With just a little bit of creative thinking, compassion, and hard work I honestly believe we can solve any problem and find a solution to any and every problem we face in today's world. It can get hard to see the light when we are surrounded by so much darkness and are constantly reminded of the evil in the world through media and the news. Yet, every now and then I can see a glimmer of hope through a random strangers actions or ideas. With so many issues and problems to solve, it's no wonder people are getting bogged down and discouraged with no end in sight. However, there are always a few who come up with a simple yet brilliant idea that can help so many different causes.
On a daily basis I can hear people complaining, getting angry, and just down right being mad at the world. This "cancel" culture has become a toxic way to point to others and say they are the problem without admitting that maybe you are too and that you can indeed be the solution. The only way to become part of the solution is to admit to yourself and own up to your part in the problem. If you point at someone, call them ugly names, and speak negative words about them than you are no better than they are and are only contributing to the problem and the divide. It hard but it's important to understand all people, where they come from, and why they behave in the manner that they do because it could have nothing to do with you. Understanding the other person or even the problem in general gives you a good start in solving the problem. For instance, you can never solve homelessness without first understand how that works, the way in which people get to this situation, and the intricacies of all other surrounding impacts. You can't understand why someone is honking and driving around you in a hurry with out first understanding that they got some really bad news at work.
Even if you aren't the direct cause of someones misfortune or frankly the misfortune of the world at this point, you can still be a catalyst for change and for something positive.
I was reminded of this when a kind older gentleman came into my work today because he has been producing this amazing product that helps homeless individuals as well as the planet. In his spare time he will go to dumpsters all over the city collecting plastic grocery bags only to spend 14 hours creating one single yoga-like-mat for the homeless to utilize. In just one mat he will use over 700 plastic bags, saving thousands of plastic waste from the landfill that will never decompose.
He saw a need in the community, understood the impact plastic is having on our world, and decided to do something about it. These types of stories are everywhere as long as you are looking.
On social medias such as Facebook I see and share video after video of ingenious inventions to help the world and it is so incredible. Every time I see something new I'm incredibly blown away and begin to think of other inventions that are just waiting to be put into action.

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