Negative News & Consumerism

There's so many beautiful people on this earth.

We, as a society, really need to focus more on the beauty others have to offer rather than on the negative events or words that may take place. 

If we perpetuate around us a reality of hatred...

If we create a world where the mindset is that of only self-interest in mind and if we believe all actions to be a result of a want to cause pain and through selfishness then that is the truth and reality we make for ourselves and for our world. 

If we are only going to focus on the negative when there is so much positiveness unseen then we will sadly only continue to pay attention to the negative and go blind to the positive all together.

Turning on the television has began to only turn on our negative views of the world.

The news and even fictional shows continue to tell us and to only tell us about murder, terrorism, violence, and hatred.  

If we are not being shown things of this horrid nature than we are being shown useless crap that only enhances hatred among different types of people or simply fills our heads with nonsense that has no importance and that only dumbs us down.

This can be seen with our insanely consumer-ized society as well as within holidays. Most of us buy into this all our lives. I for one used to get upset when I didn't get something for say valentines day or didn't get exactly what I wanted for Christmas when in reality these items are not going to matter in the slightest in a year or so. 

We compulsively buy and buy and buy and consume so many of these material items that have no value because we are told to by advertisers and corporate greed. 

So much is thrown into landfills because we have an insatiable appetite for stuff that we throw things away only because they do not fir our status or this fictional role that we want to portray to others. 

It's funny because we want the new thing that is exactly like the old thing and even I can get caught up in this hedonic treadmill.

We are trying to fill a void within us that can only be filled by human interaction, closeness with others, and experiences with items and stuff

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