You Can Do More Than You Think

All of societies issues and the world's problems have become an issue of those people over there, or thought to be something that happens far away from us, or even issues that those other people have to solve. No one wants to admit or open their eyes to the possibility that maybe there are people in need and people struggling more than ever right in their own community and in their own backyard. 
Until I began working at a non-profit that helps people struggling with poverty and it's symptoms did I realize how much of a need and how many people were at their wits end in my own community. I was at fault for always thinking and assuming that poverty, hunger, and homelessness were issues far away from me and something that I couldn't touch or even help with. Even when I lived in a large city and saw with my own eyes hundreds and hundreds of homeless people, I never thought that I could do something about it. I pushed it on to the government or just someone else to come and rectify their situation. 
I never took full responsibility for my role in the system and really my lack of action. I was and still am unaware of so many great organizations that help those in need and that are places for me to put my time and effort into. The sad thing is...if I had just done a simple google search for organizations that help those in poverty that maybe I would have seen and discovered all of the places I could join in order to help out my own community. Even a google search to learn about where the food deserts are near me, the percentage of people below the poverty line or straddling it, and how many people are homeless in my area would have been extremely advantageous and allow for me to better serve those around me. 
So the next time you're thinking about issues such as poverty. hunger, food insecurity, and homelessness instead of assuming other people will take care of it or thinking that it isn't happening all around you right where you live and breathe take an open mind, heart, and google search to find out all the answers and to see where you can help out your community and help out those in need. 

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