Future Trajectories

This is a much more personal blog post that will help me to get my thoughts out of my head and try to make sense of what I want for myself in the future. So, below I listed 3 future trajectories I'm interested in and why. 

National Park Ranger

The National Park Service mission is to preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this a future generation. This appeals to me because I think providing for and helping mother nature should be one of our top priorities since we rely on the earth for survival. If we can educate people out in nature about nature they become more connected to the environment and inclined to help take care of it for future generations. One of the programs, within many, that I’m interested in is the Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program because they support different community-led natural resource conservation projects. My dream job would be to become the supervisory park ranger in Joshua Tree National Park or Calaveras Big Trees State Park. I have leadership skills and work that I’ve done to take care of plants on a small scale. On their qualifications, there is minimum requirements such as experience managing natural landscapes, a bachelor’s degree, and being able to physically walk long distances and carry things like a backpack. I will need to acquire more experience managing natural landscapes, but I have the other two minimum qualifications. I think combining my leadership skills from Sigma Delta Tau and my work on farms as well as working in Malaysia on marine conservation will give me a good chance at getting a job as a park ranger, but I would still want to gain more specific experience in larger scale conservation matters.

SARA animal sanctuary

SARA’s mission statement is “SARA helps any animal that comes to us regardless of species, special health needs, or temperament.  As a no-kill sanctuary, no animal is ever killed for convenience.  Euthanasia is only employed in the true sense of the word: when an animal is suffering with no chance of recovery.” I absolutely love what SARA stands for and even want to open my own sanctuary to save farm animals from slaughter, so I completely agree with everything they stand for. I’m interested in saving, taking care of, and getting to know the animals the sanctuary takes in because I feel like the animals deserve to live a good, happy life and I want to experience the love and kindness that can bring to me, just like how my cat at home gives me love and affection. My dream job would be to open by own or take over SARA or another farm animal sanctuary. I don’t have much knowledge or experience on taking care of farm animals, but I am fully open and willing to learn as well as research things about it. One skill I would say I have for the job is organization and passion for the work. I’m really organized, and I feel like that will help keep everything running smoothly.

To create my own dream job

What I really want and what I’m looking for is nothing that is already out there, but something I must create myself. Really, my dream job is one where I can travel for a while, learn from people getting hands on experience in everything and anything. Then, I want to use what I learned to travel around teaching to others what I have learned and experienced. I think it’d be really cool to travel around giving lectures and speeches on different topics in hopes of spreading environmental awareness and human rights issues. I want to make my own money by owning my own vegan diner or food truck, or maybe opening/owning an animal sanctuary. I figure I can do all of this within my lifetime, maybe open an animal sanctuary when I’m in my 50’s or so. On a smaller scale, having a little Etsy shop with different shirts, crystals, and art to sell for money. I mainly want to be in charge of my own time and to be able to do whatever with freedom. Honestly, I have almost too many ideas and goals, but I want to start with freelance environmental writing, an Etsy shop, YouTube, and a part-time job somewhere like an animal sanctuary or any number of non-profits for a stable start. I always see videos on FaceBook of people who have thought of really creative ideas to reduce waste or improve different issues were facing today, and I would love to be one of those people.

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