Finding Your Purpose in Life

The title might throw you off, "so you're telling me you're going to tell me how to find my purpose in life?" Hopefully. During my last semester as an undergrad at UT Austin I took a class to help prepare us to go out into the world. One assignment I had to do what a purpose assignment where I tried to pinpoint what my purpose/purposes in life are. I know it sounds really stressful, it kinda was. If you want to find out how to find your purpose you can watch my video on it at

Without further ado, this is what I discovered throughout this assignment to maybe give you an idea of a way to do it and what kind of different goals/purposes can be found. Also, selfishly this is to help me keep my mind in order.

My top 5 core values

  • Creativity
  • Enjoyment
  • Experience
  • Self-control
  • Spirituality 

Why each core value is important to me

  • Creativity is important to me because I love to be able to create things and adopt new artistic practices. I would love to spend my time making videos, painting, sewing, or wood burning.
  • Enjoyment is important because my main goal in life is just to be happy and to have fun.
  • Experience is one of my core values because I get really bored with mundane and monotonous days and time periods. I love new experiences and to change things up or I get really bored.
  • Self-control is important to be because I don’t like to feel like I’m not in control of my own life. Such as, being stuck at a job or doing something I don’t like. I want to be in control of my own destiny and be able to do whatever I want no matter what and not be tied down by things. 
  • Spirituality is one of my core values because getting into my spiritual practice on a daily basis lets me to stay calm and happy. It gives me more meaning in life
The goals in my life that matter the most

  • To be happy and to spread happiness to others
  • To explore different areas of the world and learn about different cultures, and spread what I have learned and experienced to create a more unified world that is accepting of all
  • To have a happy, healthy, and financially stable family and to stay close to my whole family
  • (More specific goal) To provide a safe place for factory farm animals to go and live out their lives blissfully, maybe open up my own animal sanctuary
  • (Not as strong of a goal) To create a safe, self-sustaining place where anyone can come and live how they please, like maybe as a community for people without homes.
  • Overall, I just want to experience things and have a fun time

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