What is yoga?

Yoga in the modern world is often only looked at as a physical practice and used for exercise. In reality, yoga is a mental and spiritual practice even more so than a physical practice. The work you do in yoga aligns both your mind and body. Yoga calms our mental state and is often used to help with detoxification of the body, anxiety, and depression. 

How is yoga spiritual?

 Yoga allows for us to be in the present moment. When we are practicing the asanas (or poses) we are forced to pay attention to our body's current state and therefore and placed in the present. Through practicing yoga regularly we become more fully present on a day to day basis. Yoga allows for meditation as it connects the mind and body to become one. 

What all does yoga entail?

Yoga is made up of 8 main components.
  1. yama- abstinence
  2. niyama- observance
  3. asana- posture
  4. pranayama- breathing
  5. pratayahara- sense withdrawal
  6. dharana- concentration
  7. dhyana- meditation
  8. samadhi- contemplation
What are the benefits of yoga?
  • improve your posture
  • better balance
  • greater flexibility
  • improved strength
  • build stamina
  • build endurance
  • tone your muscles
  • helps relieve back pain
  • helps with arthritis
  • lubricates your joints
  • improve poor digestion
  • help with asthma
  • help with depression
  • helps osteoporosis
  • reduced high blood pressure
  • aids injury recovery
  • raises your metabolism
  • increases your will power
  • heighten body awareness
  • help maintain a healthy weight
  • build self awareness
  • greater self-control
  • stronger mind-body connection

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