[How to Stay Motivated]

If you're like me, I get really stressed at the start of a new semester when school starts to pick up pace and I have a lot to do and a lot going on. Currently, I found myself having too much on my plate and needing to figure out a way to cope with it all and not lose my mind. Small things add up, especially when you suffer from anxiety, like I do. Having that one extra thing to keep track of can be really daunting and defeating. Or always being out and about doing things can exhaust you more than others. So I've decided to come up with a few things you can do to overcome that stress and stay motivated to do what you need to do during the semester. (these are not in order of importance but just numbered for ease of reading)

  • Making lists
    • I love to make lists (I say as I write a list). They help you to keep everything organized. Instead of the information staying in your head and driving you crazy, you can let it out and put it down on paper. This basically de-clutters your mind. It also feels really good to check stuff off on your lists, which gives you a feeling of accomplishment. 
  • Keeping a calendar 
    • It's so important to keep a calendar when you have a lot of things you need to do throughout the day and week. This helps to keep you from forgetting about events and things that are planned. It also helps to lay out all of your options for the day/week and prioritize events you need to attend.  
  • Making time for yourself
    • You will probably get stressed and need to take a break. Those breaks are super important for emotional and mental well-being. You can't get things done physically if you are not well emotionally and mentally. Taking time out of your week and day is vital for keeping yourself sane and happy. Small things like taking a bath, going for a walk, watching tv, etc are great relaxers. Also, you may need to take some time to yourself and be away from other people for some time, and that's okay and understandable. 
  • Talking to Someone about How You're doing
    • Suffering through dealing with a lot of deadlines and activities can really put you down. Getting things off your chest and getting a second opinion and even emotional support can give you the motivation to keep going. 
  • Remembering it's Okay to say NO
    • You can definitely over exhaust and exert yourself. Taking on too many things can overload your plate and result in you not being about to get a lot of things done when they need to be done. It can also overly stress you out, since there are only a limited number of hours in a day. It's okay to say no, others will understand and even if they don't, it's best for you. 
  • Staying Organized
    • A cluttered and messy room makes for a cluttered and stressed mind. Clearing the physical areas of your life can help you to clear out the mental aspects. I know when my room gets messy, I start to get more stressed and feel like my entire life is cluttered.  
  • Log off
    • Sometimes when you are stressed about school going on social media and seeing how everyone else is doing can discourage you further. Logging off and being away from outside influences can help you to calm down and recharge. 

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