Environmental Ethics

I recently learned a couple different environmental ethics and I wanted to share with you the ones I agree with. These will be described through bullet points, so without further ado here they are:

Land Ethics

  • We must move beyond conservation that is based on nature's economic value
  • We need to acknowledge the interdependent functioning of nature as a whole community
  • The land ethic doesn't preclude using resources, but rather affirms their right to continued existence
  • Means that we must change human from land conqueror to a member of the land
  • Biocentric: All life forms are equally valuable
  • Develops on an ecological conscience
  • We need to change what's included in education to promote land obligations over self-interest
Deep Ecology

  • This is a bio-spheric egalitarianism view point
  • All living things have their own rights and intrinsic value that is independent of their usefulness to others
  • All living things are all connected within a web, and humans are not at the top of a pyramid
  • Requires self realization
  • Implies simple living and non-aggression

  • This identifies the connections between domination of nature and the exploitation of women
  • Ethical practices must be contextual, and include voices of people in different historical and cultural circumstances
  • Being inclusive to all guides to a "better bias" towards environmental policies
Social Ecology

  • We need to include social elements in environmental discussions
  • Environmental issues rooted in social structures can't easily be resolved without dealing with social problems in society
  • The planet thus far has bee reduced to a resource for exploitation under capitalism
Environmental Pragmatism

  • Discrediting one ethic over another is counterproduuctive
  • We need to develop inclusive environmental ethics
  • The need to draw on all frame works to move forward in the future
I didn't include other environmental ethics, mainly because I don't agree with them but some I excluded were: John Locke's ideas, Gifford Pinchot's conservation, John Muir's preservation, and Conventional Western Environmental ethics.

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