the truth about cheese | health

While there are many other reasons to focus on when talking about the downsides of the dairy industry (such as the ethics and environmental concerns),  I would like to focus on the health aspects of consuming dairy products.
In reality, we are not meant to drink a cow's milk,  a baby cow is. That's it. Period. End of story. We are the only species to drink another species milk after weening off our own mother's. Cow's milk is meant for a 65 pound baby calf in order to grow into a 400 pound cow, I don't know about you but I certainly am not trying to grow to 400 pounds off a high fat fluid, such as cow's milk.
Dairy products contain animal protein which has been proven by many studies, but notoriously by the China Study done by Dr. Campbell, to promote cancer growth. One study done by Campbell was as follows: two different groups of rats were given different amounts of dairy protein, either 5% or 20% of their daily calories. It was found that the rats who had 20% of their calories to be dairy proteins had higher early cancer cell clusters while the rats with 5% had very low numbers of clusters. He then used one sample of rats and alternated every 3 weeks between 20% and 5% and the results showed that not only were the weeks on a 5% dairy intake had lower instances of early cancer cluster but that they also reversed and got rid of the early cancer clusters that were obtained during the weeks of consuming 20% dairy intake. The china study is a very interesting study and one that everyone should at least look into in order to understand the relationship between disease and diet.
Animal protein is too acidic for the human body, and in order to mitigate this pH level changes the body's cells will pull calcium from the bones. This shows that drinking milk does not create strong bones but in turn actually can lead to osteoporosis. It's not a coincidence that the countries with the highest milk consumption also have the highest rates of osteoporosis. Studies found that Vitamin D is what actually helps make bones strong rather than calcium at all.
Animal protein also has been shown to increase the likelihood of circulatory diseases. A study of Norway during WW2 showed that when the Nazi's seized farm animals, such as farms, from Norway the mortality caused by circulatory diseases went from 32,000 to 24,000 in just a short 5-year span, but once the standard omnivorous diet was reintroduced the mortality jumped to 28,000 in just 2 years. Dairy products also contribute significant amounts of dietary cholesterol and saturated fat, which has been proven to increase the risk of heart disease. There is also a correlation between animal fat and cancer cell growth.
Due to the repeated cycle of impregnation and the constant milking of dairy cows, many utters and cows get illnesses and diseases. In order to combat this the farmers will inject antibiotics into the dairy cows. This causes humans to become antibiotic resistant, causing issues when we do fall ill. Dairy cows are also injected with bovine growth hormones which have been linked to obesity and cancer. Milk also contains pus due to these diseases in the utters. The average cell count in the U.S. is 1,120,000 cells per spoonful.
I think the most concerning reason not to drink milk, is the fact that it's addicting. When I was going vegan it was the hardest struggle not to cave in and eat cheese or another dairy product. The cravings were insane and something I don't ever want to experience again. It is truly like getting off a hard drug. Dairy products have a chemical called casein which breaks down during digestion to release an opiate, called casomorphine. Other opiates include heroine and morphine, which are insanely addictive. One cup of milk contains 6g of casein, skim milk has slightly more, and casein is concentrated during the process of making cheese. These opiates are originally used to soothe the baby calf and keep it coming back from more milk from it's mother in order to ensure it gets adequate nutrients. Now these chemicals are being used to get people addicted to all sorts of things and coming back for more. Combining cheese/dairy products with casein and high fat with high volumes of salt or sugar causes the consumers body not only to become addicted to the casomorphine but also addicted to the rush of dopamine released from the combination of high fat and high sugar/salt.

Think about what you're putting into your body, do you even have the slightest idea?

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