
Energy creates the world around us as we know it. Everything we do from thoughts to actions requires energy in some form or fashion. The 7 chakras are points of focus on an electromagnetic level. While there are many different chakras systems from different cultures the one I'm gonna focus on is the system that comes from tantric yoga and that is known most widely in the western world. The majority of the chakras properties comes form our own manifestations and visualizations and can be seen on the electromagnetic level. It is also said that balancing each of these chakras leads to the individual to reach and attain enlightenment. I will now list the basic properties of each chakra, signs of imbalance, and ways to balance each starting from the root chakra and working my way up the body.

  • Muladhara {The Root Chakra}
    • The most basic and physical of the chakras. It is symbolized by a four petal red lotus flower and located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the most basic human instincts (sex, survival, shelter, food, sand sadly money), fight or flight instincts, survival, and simple emotions. The root chakra is also the one that is almost always out of balance. Balancing this chakra creates a solid foundation for opening up the chakras above. 
    • Some signs of imbalance in the root chakra include: getting upset easily, power plays (such as wanting thing to belong to you/having ownership over things), living in an ego state, many injuries to your feet or knees, issues with the 3 B's (blood, bones, or bowels), constipation, no financial stability, moving homes often, being inconsistent, having family issues. A highly, hightly unbalanced root chakra can lead to depression and feelings of not wanting to live in this world/body.  
    • A balanced root chakra allows for humbleness and love, it lets us feel like we belong in our body and that we are content with ourselves, and embrace the universe we live in. Ways to balance the root chakra include:
      • Getting out in nature. Sit on the ground and meditate on the point where the root chakra is closest to the ground. 
      • Practice kama-sutras, which are spiritual sexual experiences
      • Practice yoga or any physical actives which are focused on health. The importance is that the activities are not rooted in the ego but done for the experience alone. 
      • When seeing the color red, envision that you have a sacred place a part of existence. 
  • Svadhithana {The Sacral Chakra}
    • The Sacral chakra is a slightly more emotional yet still highly physical chakra. It is symbolized by an orange, six petal lotus flower. The sacral chakra is located above the pubic bone and below the naval. This chakra is associated with sexuality, emotional state/depths, pleasures, passion, curiosity, preferences, enjoyment of life, and is always changing. The translation of svadhisthana is "the place one dwells within." 
    • An unbalanced sacral chakra leads to us feel as if we aren't ourselves, like we are glossed over and hazy going though life. This can cause codependency on other people, drugs, or substances. Physical symptoms of an imbalance include: difficulty feeling satisfied after a meal, loosing an appetite, and hip or back pain.
    • A balanced sacral chakra allows for abundance and is important if you want an active, deep, and passionate life in every aspect. Ways to balance the sacral chakra include
      • Focusing on creativity: do activities such as cooking, baking, gardening, and other creative activities. 
      • Play like a child: don't let the fear of others judgement stop you from having fun and creating
      • Meditate on specific energies or concepts, such as being more passionate or less satirical
      • Find an active passion such as surfing or rock climbing that is both physical and emotional
      • Let go of regressive emotions and experienced. Move past and forward.
      • Soak in water and focus on the sacral chakra, the water allows us to feel fluidity physically much as our emotions are fluid
  • Manipura {The Solar Plexus Chakra}
    • The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen and is the hardest to balance due to its focus on Maya, which is worldly illusions. It is symbolized by a yellow, ten petal lotus flower. The Solar Plexus is associated with the ego, self worth, a sense of self, digestion, growth and nourishment, personal growth and investment, and diet. The solar plexus is the biggest proponent to spiritual growth.  
    • Eating an unhealthy diet can lead to imbalances. An unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra is attributed to overwhelming ego, sickness and poor health, poor judgement, stubbornness, low confidence in how we look and interact with others/world. 
    • With a balanced solar plexus chakra we feel more independent, able to take in positive emotions better, and improve decision making skills. Ways to balance this are:
      • Meditating while placing focus on the solar plexus after eating
      • Practice pranayama, meditative breathing, which strengthens the stomach muscles and breathes life into ares of the body not usually focused on
      • Take care of yourself through diet and representing yourself through how you look. Dress how you think would represent who you are and the message of peace you want to convey
      • Manifest upon the color yellow, and when you see yellow think of growth and spiritual development
      • Repeat positive affirmations often, such as "I am growth" or "I am independent"
  • Anahata {The Heart Chakra}
    • The heart chakra is located at the heart's center and represented by a green lotus flower with 12 petals. This chakra is where the physical and spiritual elements meet. The balance of the heart chakra is important because it allows for the three lower chakras to become aligned as well. This chakra is associated with selflessness, balance, calmness, serenity, love, compassion, helping others, serving, and sacrificing. 
    • An imbalanced heart chakra can cause feelings of grief, anger, fear, jealousy, betrayal, and hatred. Some other signs of an imbalance include hypertension, breathing problems, heart conditions, being withdrawn, avoiding socializing, being critical of others/yourself lacking empathy, and feeling isolated. 
    • A balanced heart chakra allows for love and compassion to flow freely. You are more likely to accept others and forgive them for their faults. Ways to balance the heart chakra are:
      • Meditate while focusing on the heart region, imagine a light radiating out from your heart and flowing into the world
      • Add the color green into your life, such as plants or even green clothing
      • Practice the mantra, YAM
      • Affirmations of "I am open to love", "I forgive myself", and "I deeply love and accept myself"
      • Listen to upbeat music
  • Vishuddha {The Throat Chakra}
    • The throat chakra is represented by a 16 petal,, blue lotus flower and is located in the middle of the throat. This chakra focuses on expression, communication, timing, projecting your true self to the world, and connects you to you spirit. 
    • An imbalance in the throat chakra is shown through lack of control over your speech, talking too much, an inability to listen to others, fears of speaking, not keeping your word or secrets to yourself, telling lies, and shyness. Other symptoms of imbalance include headaches, dental issues, thyroid problems, neck pain, and social anxiety.
    • Ways to balance this chakra include
      • Verbalize your needs, desires, and opinions to better stay truthful to yourself
      • Working through and releasing all negative emotions
      • Chanting, singing, humming, and reading aloud help to open the throat chakra
      • Yoga poses such as the camel pose, bridge pose, shoulder stand, and plow pose. 
  • Ajna {The 3rd Eye Chakra}
    • The 3rd eye is located right between both brows and is symbolized by an indigo lotus flower with just two petals. This chakra is associated with openness, imagination, intuition, the pineal gland, our sleep and wake cycle, vision, connection to wisdom and insight, motivation for inspiration and creativity, and foresight. The 3rd eye is where we transcend duality.
    • An imbalance in the 3rd eye chakra may make you feel as if you're stuck in the monotonous of daily activities and unable to look past your temporary issues, unable to find the right path for you, unable to see the greater picture, a lack of clarity, and a rejection of everything spiritual. Some other issues that may occur are insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and migraines. 
    • If the 3rd eye chakra is balanced you will be more open-minded, non-judgmental, and will think clearly. This chakra is best balanced through meditation. A tingling sensation around the area of the 3rd eye is an indicator that it is beginning to open. Other ways to balance this chakra include:
      • Energy healing, such as sound therapy or acupuncture
      • Yoga poses such as child's pose, shoulder stands, and forward bends
      • Use of essential oils on the region of the 3rd eye: marjoram, frankincense, juniper clary sage, rosemary, or sandalwood
  • Sahasswara {The Crown Chakra}
    • The crown chakra is represented by a purple lotus flower containing a thousand petals and is located above the head, outside of the physical body. The crown chakra allows for us to reach higher states of consciousness. The crown chakra is associated with the pituitary gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus, and is closely associated with the brain and nervous system. This chakra is also associated with awareness, connection with the formless and limitless, realizations, communication with higher states of consciousness, ecstasy, bliss, and presence. The crown chakra has been described as the gateway to our divine self and is linked to the universal.
    • An imbalance of the crown chakra is shown through the symptoms of: disconnection to the spirit, a disconnection with your body, living in your head, obsessive attachments, and close-mindedness.
    • A balanced crown chakra is the realization that you are pure awareness. Ways to balance the crown chakra include:
      • Mindfullness in everyday activities
      • Meditation
      • Silence is the most powerful way to balance the crown chakra
      • Pranayama breathing: Nadi Shodhana and Kapalabhati
      • Yoga poses such as headstand, down dog, and fish pose

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