The Most Enlightened Sentient Being

We can learn a lot from our little balls of fluff.

We as humans have always had a strange fascination with cats. Throughout history cats have always been regarded in the highest respects in the majority of cultures and religions. This can be seen in tombs of pharaohs being buried with cats, to statues and hieroglyphics of cats in Egypt, and cats being a symbol in most ancient religions.
Cats can be seen as the most enlightened species on this planet. This is because they exist in a purely zen state even more so than a practiced monk may. Cats practice mindfulness without even having to
consciously think on it, they simply be. They are always living in the moment: when they want to sleep, they sleep, when they want to eat they eat, and when they want attention they go and seek attention. They expect nothing and wait on nothing. Enlightenment is simply being as it is right now without expectations, and cats exude those exact characteristics. From birth to death they are always in the state of being present.
Humans and cats also have a physical connection. Cats have been proven to personally and phyically help the health of humans. Cat owners are 40% less likely to have heart attacks than their non-cat-owning counterparts. Cats also give benefits like lower stress levels, lower emotional swings, and meditative benefits. Cats resonate at a frequency around 22 Hz which makes you feel more relaxed as you hold them or as they sit on you. You can feel better in seconds just holding a cat and feeling it purr. We have such a heavy connection to cats because they sync up with us on a spiritual level and teach us how to live in a meditative state.

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