Eight Steps to Revolutionize Your Mind

8 things I do in my life to achieve happiness in every moment.

1. "The early bird gets the worm"
Waking up early not only helps improve your mood but also allows you to have more time throughout the day to do everything on your to-do list as well as fun things you haven't had time for. Of course, the other side of this coin is to go to bed early as well. You have to get as much sleep as your body needs otherwise you're just hurting yourself. There's something about waking up before the sun even gets out of bed, when the whole city is still and quiet. It's tranquil and allows you to really think and ease into the day. The most beneficial way to go about your day is to wake up, do some exercises like meditation or yoga, eat breakfast, and then bustle through the mundane tasks of the day. Doing your work in the mornings allows for you to then have time throughout the rest of the day to do things you want to do and things you enjoy. It gives you more time to focus on yourself and grow further as a person through getting to do activities you wouldn't otherwise have time for. 

2. "Running teaches me that I'm capable of so much more than I ever imagined"
GO RUNNING (or really any type of work out)
I used to HATE running, but once I learned to pace myself and listen to my body I really started to enjoy it. Running is super easy, quick, and FREE! Picking up active hobbies is usually the best method of getting fit, because you don't feel like you're working out rather you're just having fun. Some hobbies I really enjoy are hiking and kayaking, which are both great workouts. Not only does exercise release endorphins and make you feel happy, it makes your body physically stronger and healthier. The goal of working out should be to be the best you can be and shouldn't stem from the need to lose weight because you don't like the way you look. The end goal should be to feel good physically and to take care of yourself rather than change how you look based on self-hate. Self-love is a big proponent of working out and adopting a healthy lifestyle, because you aren't going to want to take care of something you hate rather you're going to try and change it and push it aside in unhealthy ways. No one looks like super models, not even models themselves, and exercising with a negative mindset and low self-esteem only contributes to the problem rather than fix any unhealthy habits you may have. We can always be better versions of ourselves, which is why we are constantly growing, but that doesn't change who we truly are. Listening to your body and it's needs is super duper important and the main thing to understand about adopting healthy habits. It's all about having a positive attitude. 

3. "How good it is to be well-fed, healthy, and kind all at the same time"-Heimlich
Adopting a plant based diet makes you feel lighter, more energetic, and generally happier. A healthy body, running on plants and non-processed foods, means a healthier mind as it decreased the likelihood of illnesses like obesity and heart disease. Your mentality is connected to your physical
well-being, if you feel sick you aren't going to be feeling very happy, Eating a herbivore diet is being kind to animals, the planet and yourself, which in turn makes you feel positive about yourself. I know when I eat dairy products my body feels gross, sluggish, and sub-par. Leaving animal products out of my diet has an almost immediate effect on my body where I feel lighter and ready to take on the world. If that doesn't make you feel empowered and good about your self and life I'm not sure what will.

4. "Where there is peace and meditation, there is neither anxiety nor doubt"- Salos
Meditation is SO GOOD for you in so many ways. Science is focusing on the benefits of science now more than ever. Meditation literally changes the way that your brain functions and which parts of your brain are active. It improves your concentration through the increased energy meditation provides you with and has even been said to "connect you with your real source of energy." Meditating increases your self-awareness and allows for you to be comfortable in your own skin which can result in being a calmer person and more relaxed. Meditation can SCIENTIFICALLY be proven to make you happier since it lights up parts of the left side of your brain, which is responsible for positive emotions, and decreases the activity on the right side, where negative emotions are. Just sitting and being with yourself is super beneficial and allows for you to learn so much about yourself and to truly love who you are. It's really powerful how much you can change just from sitting, being still, and listening to your mind.

5. " Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self" - The Bhagavad Gita
Yoga really connects you to your body and makes you aware of your physical being. It's a super mindful practice and meditation in itself. The purpose of yoga goes beyond a work-out or to gain flexibility and strength, it's a way to cultivate awareness, self-regulation, and higher consciousness within yourself. Yoga can help with fatigue, strength, and even aging. Yoga is a very ancient practice and known for finding peace within yourself through connecting your mind and body. 

6. "A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."

Variety is the spice of life. Novelty has been proved to improve your happiness in general. You've got to be willing to try new things and experience new experiences. There's always going to be things you crave to do but are too fearful to act on, but those are the things you should be doing! I try to do at least one thing I've never done before that I've been wanting to do every weekend, and it gives me something to look forward to each week. Developing and keeping an open mind allow for so many more adventures to be explored and you to be more resilient when changes do occur in life. 

7. "A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles"
Taking 5 minutes out of your day to jot down a couple of things your grateful for really puts in perspective everything that is going well in your life. It allows you to step back and see all the positive aspects and is a good reminder when you are feeling down that not everything is so gloomy. Gratitude is all about being present and mindful, which has a lasting effect on your mental state.  Seeing everything written out of things you enjoy and are thankful for lets you know that you have reasons to be happy and that life is more than the little issues you may be having. Even if your problems are quite large there is still something to be grateful for and a beam of positivity for you to focus on.

8. "Learn to be alone and like it, there is nothing more freeing and empowering than learning to like your own company"
Take yourself out on dates, because who better to do it than yourself. It's so nice going out alone because you get to do what you love without worrying about anyone else, which sounds egotistical but at the same time you need time alone and to get to know yourself. Being alone is something you should enjoy and get into the groove of. Interestingly enough, when you go places alone you'll end up meeting so many people who are like-minded and very similar to yourself. Being alone is definitely
something you should enjoy and look forward to, not something to fear or shy away from. If you want to go do something but don't have anyone to accompany you, that shouldn't stop you from going. It's a learning experience and just a generally fun time. 

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